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Tinnitus Impant


Tinnitus Assessment

Ear Exam

Tinnitus Assessment

Diagnostic testing in order to exclude any underlying pathology or active disease, emotional impact assessment, psychoacoustic testing in order to determine how tinnitus may respond to sound-based therapies, assessment of loudness perception, provision of therapy options.

Tinnitus Desensitisation Therapy (TDT)


Tinnitus Desensitisation Therapy (TDT)
TDT provides a bespoke range of therapies that are selected to meet your personal treatment requirements. Taking into account your tinnitus acoustic profile which was identified at the Initial assessment, and your very personal experience of tinnitus, Tinnitus Desensitisation Therapy uses a number of distinct therapeutic techniques together. These serve to control your tinnitus awareness with the longer-term goal of encouraging the brain to filter out the tinnitus perception from your consciousness.


TDT helps you to take control of the impact that tinnitus is having on your life. The therapy aims to redirect your brain’s attention away from the tinnitus signal and help the natural habituation process to occur so that, over time, you become progressively less aware of your tinnitus symptoms.

Hyperacusis Desensitisation Therapy (HDT)


​Hyperacusis Desensitisation Therapy (HDT)

Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder that causes everyday noise like traffic or conversation to be perceived as being disproportionately loud and sometimes causing discomfort or even pain. This occurs as a result of the central auditory system becoming hyperactive. This can be induced by auditory trauma or sometimes by experiencing acutely negative emotional states.

I have successfully worked with many patients, providing a comprehensive and effective Hyperacusis reduction therapy that delivers a progressive and sustainable reduction in Hyperacusis symptoms over time.

Sophisticated sound generator systems are employed, along with supporting therapies, in order to gently decrease abnormally elevated auditory activity in order to restore a normalised perception of loudness. With the regular use of the devices Hyperacusis symptoms will reduce progressively and sustainably.

Sleep Counselling

Woman Sleeping

Sleep Counselling

As tinnitus becomes more noticeable in a quiet environment, it may affect your sleep patterns: either preventing you from falling asleep or waking you up. If you are anxious about your tinnitus, this can lead to negative thoughts, raised stress levels and changes in behaviour.


In turn, this can make the tinnitus seem more noticeable and intrusive, especially when you are trying to sleep. Sleep therapy involves reflecting on your beliefs about sleep, sleep record, and evaluating those negative automatic thoughts about tinnitus. The counselling process aims to change attitudes to tinnitus, and ultimately improve your sleep quality.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a form of treatment for tinnitus that examines how thought processes adversely affect behaviour and how you can change those thoughts. It is a method for reducing the negative emotional reaction to tinnitus and often serve to reduce the associated anxiety. CBT uses relaxation, cognitive restructuring of thoughts, and uses situational examples to help improve your feelings about your tinnitus.

Therapy Sessions for Anxiety

Therapy Session

Therapy Sessions for Anxiety

Patients who are suffering from heightened anxiety or depression can access therapy sessions with our service therapist, Dr. Julianne Mullen.  Julianne has extensive experience in working with severe tinnitus cases with her clinical input serving to enable patients to rehabilitate in a more effective and sustainable way.

Hearing Assessment

Doctor and Patient

Hearing Assessment

Ear examination, middle ear functions testing, audiometry, speech discrimination testing, testing for dysfunctional cochlea regions.

Hearing Aids and speech Amplification Systems


Hearing Aids and speech Amplification Systems

As an independent practitioner I have access to the latest and most advanced hearing instruments on the market.  I have a history of successfully aiding complex loses and single sided deafness cases. Aiding most forms of hearing loss is reliant upon the central auditory system being effectively retrained so that speech discrimination ability and hearing clarity can be gradually restored.  


Even though sophisticated instruments help this process the quality of the long-term result is based upon a clinician creating a bespoke style of amplification that is specific for each patient’s profile and listening requirements.  


This does take time and requires patients to have their prescriptions gradually optimised over a 12-week period but the overall result restores hearing acuity in a far more effective way. I also provide state of the art systems that can remotely link to mobiles, tablet PC’s and audio sytems to enable effortless connectivity for enhanced telephone communication and media appreciation.

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